I'm not a person that sees myself as "sexy"

I'm a 47 year old woman in a season of rediscovering myself

after a major heartbreak and a lot of life changes.

zealous stills adventure boudoir photography colorado photo shoot outdoor

I chose an adventure boudoir session with Zealous Stills because I wanted to truly see my
innermost feral version of myself
and knew she would be the person that could capture that part of me.

zealous stills adventure boudoir mountain photo shoot session colorado

I wanted to document a new season in my life, by showing my vulnerability and strength...by being brave enough to be in the moment, connected and present with who I really am now.

I was excited and nervous because I don't typically like my picture taken, but this was so different because these pictures are for me and that was such a different feeling and source of bravery.

I had been on a long healing journey for the last year or so and this was my reintroduction to myself and a new view and appreciation for what this body, mind, and heart have helped me get through.

My session with Molly was amazing, she is so welcoming and open, and fun! I felt so empowered to be my authentic self which was new and exciting. We laughed a lot and also it brought up such emotion as well.

A moment that sticks out the most was…crossing the river to get to a rock and totally biffed it in the current and came out with a bloody knee. I was cracking up laughing and it reminded me to just enjoy the moment.

I'm not a person that sees myself as "sexy", but I felt so present and that felt sexy to me.

There was no longer any fear there of just taking up the space and being myself.

There is one picture where I'm sitting by the river and looking up, I was just feeling the moment and Molly had me close my eyes and open them slowly. This is one of my favorites because she was able to capture this look in my eyes.

I saw that photo and was overwhelmed because it's the first picture of myself that I've ever looked at and thought that's me.

I saw my own soul in my eyes and it's the first time I felt beautiful.

I felt amazing after the session. Almost on a high because I stepped out of my comfort zone and it was a huge deal to me. That feeling has lasted since.

This session not only marked a new season in life for me, it helped me realize how strong and beautiful I am.

Not just physically but just in general.

That session was filled with so much care and laughter and emotion. To step out of my comfort zone and capture that in such amazing images that I never expected out of myself just reminds me I can do hard things and thrive in them.

I would say that if you're thinking about it, just do it!

Do it nervous. Do it scared. Do it excited and emotional!

But just do it! It's so empowering and fun. Don't be afraid to surprise yourself.

I just want to thank you, Molly, for teaching me how to relax my face, my mind and my breath. Thank you for creating such an empowering, welcoming, caring environment.

Thank you for capturing my truth and my soul's journey.

black and white outdoor boudoir session zealous stills adventure photo shoot colorado

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I wanted to reconnect with my body - Adventure Boudoir


I have felt at war with my body since elementary school.